1. M. V. SuSeie, Nadet"da Petranovie: The electrochemical behaviour of
some 'forms of synthetic zeolites — —————— 1
2. M. V. Sugie, S. V. Mentus: Correlation of electric conductivity with
pressure and interatomic 'distance in nietal vapour and metal solutions
in molten salts —————————— 17
3. V. Pantie, Marija Simi:e: Effect of ,gonadal steroids on pituitary
pars intermedia cells of some teleostea and rat — — — — 23
4. M. V. Sugie, S. V. Mentus: The correlation of electrochemical and
structural properties of the binary systems of molten salts — — 41
5. M. Stefanovie, R. M. Jankov, Gordana Urogevie: Microbial transformations
of steroids — Microbial Hydroxylations of same androstane
steroids by Fungus Helicostylum Piriforme — — — — — 55
6. V. Pantie, Marija Simie: Sensitivity of the pituitary pars intermedia
to castration or gonadal steroids — — — — 67
7. V. M. Petrovie, Vera Janie-Sibalie: Regulation of adrenal catecholamine
synthesis in the ground squirrel (Citelles citellus) — — — 81
8. V. Pantie, D. Gledie: Long term effects of gonadal steroids on pig
pituitary gonadotropic cells and testes — — 91
9. Lj. Jankovie: Beschreibung einer neuen Cicadellidae (Homoptera:
Auchenorrhyncha) aus Mazedonien (Jugaslawien) — 111
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