
Travis Bentley lived the uncomplicated life of an eleven-year-old boy growing up in 1950s San Antonio, Texas. When the new kid showed up at a summertime baseball game, little did Travis know his life was about to change forever. The new kid was mentally retarded, a condition he had lived with since birth. But even though he was different, Travis adopted him as a part time brother and their bond grew stronger with every day.

The neighborhood bullies taunted the new kid because of his condition, calling him a Boogieman. The name stuck, and Boogie was born.

When Boogie's sister, Karen entered the picture, Travis accepted her as just another girl to deal with. But Karen had plans of her own and Travis was the basis of those plans.

Throughout the next several years the hometown group stayed together and experienced all of those things that become a part of moving on to adulthood.

Boogie is a deeply moving and bittersweet story of a true friendship. It is a remembrance of a life and time gone by, the simple innocent sweetness of young love, and the trials of growing up. It is a novel about life.