The book consists of twenty articles published in conference proceedings of
International conference on ‘’Security, Identity & Global Governance : India and the
World”, organised by Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance,
New Delhi and Centre for International Politics, Organisation & Disarmament,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, in collaboration with United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Department of
International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. In this conference 465
researchers participated through hybrid mode from different parts of India and globe
like USA, United Kingdom, Canada Algeria, Bangladesh, Philippines, Romania,
Ethopia, Nigeria,Tajikistan, Sudan,Algeria,Israel, Kazakhstan,& Taivan, so through
double blind peer-review mode twenty best articles were selected and got published
in this book to give it final shape.
The G-20, or Group of Twenty, is a premier forum for international economic
cooperation that brings together major advanced and emerging economies.
Established in1999 in response to the financial crises of the late 1990s, the G-20
aims to facilitate discussions on policy issues, promote international financial
stability, and foster sustainable development. As one of the fastest-growing and
significant economies in the world, India's participation in the G-20 holds paramount
importance in shaping global governance and international cooperation.
In the era of digital transformation, India advocates for policies that harness the
potential of technology for inclusive development. Discussions within the G-20
include issues related to digital governance, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of
artificial intelligence. India, with its robust IT industry, aims to shape global norms
that ensure the responsible and equitable use of digital technologies. India's
engagement with the G-20 reflects its commitment to playing a proactive role in
shaping the global economic and political landscape. As a diverse and dynamic
nation, India brings unique perspectives to the table, addressing the challenges of
governance, sustainable development, and international cooperation. The G-20
provides a platform for India to articulate its vision for a fair and inclusive world order,
where the benefits of economic growth are shared by all. In the coming years, India's
influence in the G-20 is likely to grow, amplifying its impact on global governance and
international organizations.
The book is a token of contribution from intellectuals and academicians of global
society. It is helpful for those who are interested to analyse the working of
International Organisations in the context of human security, identity and global
governance. People in general and academic & research institutions in particular will
be benefited out of it. It will also impetus research work in the institutions.