註釋After being forced to close my company, I found myself at the bottom and while at the bottom I experienced a moment of clarity. Many of the things which had bothered me before the recession had reached a pinnacle because of the financial crisis. I watched as the big companies, the same companies who shouted for the government to stay out of their business, turn to the government like some kind of unruly child asking for help to deal with the problems they created. I watched as working, and middle class people lost jobs, health insurance and for many, their homes. I stood behind elderly people at the pharmacy who had to tell the person behind the counter to put some of their prescriptions back on the shelf because they did not have enough money to pay for all of them. I watched as the cartels in Mexico held their entire country in a state of fear as the cartels vied for control of the profits from the drug trade, an industry which exists because of the American demand for the drugs. I watched the evening news show the bodies of over a dozen prostitutes pulled from a mass grave, all of whom were the victims of a serial killer, as their families wept. Through all of this the worst were the preachers calling for a return to church where the congregation was not offered anything more than prayer while the church asked for more donations to help pay for their new Mega Church, as schools in their district were forced to cut budgets. I chose to write because I have had enough and cannot take it anymore. A Non-Profit will be organized, from a portion of the proceeds, to pursue the solutions offered in the book. Please join our cause @ OWOTrevolution. org