Glauben und Denken im Angesicht von Auschwitz
eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Werk von Emil L. Fackenheim
出版Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, 2005
註釋Summarizes Fackenheim's thinking about the Holocaust as it developed over his lifetime, supplementing it with the views of other Jewish thinkers and writers such as Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, and Emmanuel Levinas. For Fackenheim, the Holocaust was part of the continuity of history and had historical causes and consequences; yet it was unique because it was based on a state ideology that demanded the death of every Jew for no other reason than that he existed. It destroyed the humanity of both victims and perpetrators, perverted Kant's categorical imperative and Hegel's philosophy of history, and made theodicy impssible except through a "mad midrash". God, who had always saved the Jewish people and in whose salvation they trusted, did not save them in the Holocaust. Thus, the people itself must insure its own survival through the birth of children and the existence of the Jewish state; this may make possible a partial "tikkun", a mending of broken faith.