註釋James Brandt got busted with drugs and a gun in his car. James Brandt went to juvie. James Brandt hung himself in his cell... Caroline Brandt doesn't believe any of it. Ian Rhodes, one of his cellmates, has suspicions about James' death. When Caroline contacts Ian on the inside, his suspicions are confirmed. The discrepancies in the facts behind James' death lead them both to one conclusion: James Brandt was murdered. Ian and his cellmates in Carson Detention Center have three commonalities with James: All of them were arrested for crimes they didn't commit. Each of them have off-the-charts IQs, and they all manipulated an online game, IrreScan, the same way right before they landed in Carson. Whoever set them up has an ulterior motive, and it's tied to the deadly game. James was the first to go, and with each life-threatening, virtual game session they're forced to play, another cellmate goes missing. But who's next? With Caroline piecing together clues on the outside, and Ian digging for information on the inside, it's a race to end the game before the game ends them. Fans of Ready Player One and virtual reality gameplay will devour IrreScan.