Letters from Spirit
註釋When medium Monica Teurlings looks back on her life, she sees all the little breadcrumbs dropped on her path to get her where she is standing today. It’s the same for all of us. We are each given so many breadcrumbs on our trails to guide us where we each need to be. Do we see them? Are we looking? Letters from Spirit is a collection of channeled letters given to Monica by her spirit guides, Edgar. Through the letters, you will receive teachings from Edgar—easy, practical, and modern teachings intended to nudge you along your chosen path. Each letter contains specific, simple messages that aim to uplift, inspire, and help us forward in life. Like Monica, you have guides who walk with you, too. We each have our own wonderful, loving helpers that give us guidance and put things on our trail. It is our choice to follow the breadcrumbs toward a destined purpose or ignore them and live lackluster lives. Are you ready to start living with purpose?