Elements of Ergonomics Programs
A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders
出版DIANE Publishing, 1997
主題Technology & Engineering / Industrial Engineering
註釋College Koreanoffers a comprehensive introduction to the Korean language designed for American students. Rogers, You, and Richards have used their many years of teaching to devise and test an approach that balances reading and writing with the spoken language. The result is a well-rounded textbook suited to a yearlong course in which students learn to conduct conversations about their own lives and interests, read texts written inhangul, and write simple compositions.
The book systematically introduces basic Korean grammar, a contextualized vocabulary, and styles of speech that are sociolinguistically appropriate for college students. Each of its 26 lessons contains a dialogue or a reading, practice patterns, relevant grammar notes, and exercises. Approximately 150 Sino-Korean characters are also introduced, and complete glossaries and grammar indexes are provided.