註釋Creeping out of deep pockets of gloom and lunacy is the latest blood-soaked slab from the Extremes universe, stalking with relentless intent on the heels of those that lurked prior.
Now it's time for the lone wolves. Those who have been cast out of the pack, or those who've elected to walk their path alone. The solitary souls, the isolated, the people, who for whatever reason, are left all by themselves. Whether it's by choice, or they've been forced by circumstances to go it alone, all these individuals have nobody to rely on but themselves.
Their motives for doing so aren't always honourable. There aren't just lost souls, independent wanderers, or single entities driven to strike out on their own here, there are monstrous minds at work too, using their solitude as a nefarious device to unleash horrendous misdeeds.
Whatever the case, all these mavericks, these free spirits, even those enfant terribles among them, are about to be dropped deep into a dark pit of extremity, forced to go to Extremes all by themselves.
These are works of the dark and demented, of the grotesque and the gory, the horrified and the horrifying.
If you opt to face things as a solitary soul, or life makes that decision for you, be warned. Having to go to Extremes all alone means there's nobody else there to save you.