On The Seventh Day

God is furious.

He has run out of patience with humans and decided that our time is over. We've had our chance and it's back to the drawing board. 

Mo, and Jay, best friends who've screwed up in the past, beg him for one more chance to get the humans back on track. Alongside Mr Saluzar, the head of a global charity foundation, and Nick, The Fallen Angel, they hurtle towards Armageddon and their one chance to prove God wrong.

They have seven days to save us. 

Praise for On The Seventh Day:

“I don't know any other writer with the diversity of Mr Wilson when it comes to putting his stories on paper, the only guarantee is they're Scottish. 

“ – Amazon reader.


“A strange mix of book. It made me howl with laughter in places, and in others made me consider my place in the universe, sometimes immediately after each other. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it. A very funny, and very clever book.

“ – Mark Tilbury – author of The Abattoir of Dreams.


“Wilson seems to be revelling in his native North Lanarkshire's new confidence and swagger. Although he has never shied away from writing in his native tongue, this book flows beautifully, despite the subject matter.” – Des McAnulty, author of Life is Local.


“In American Gods Neil Gaiman humanized the Gods wonderfully. In this book Mark Wilson humanizes God and the supernaturals terribly, awe-fully and disgustingly! And it is brilliant!

“ – Colette Brown, author of The Prescription.