Drama Ministry

Like an emotional magnet, good drama has the power to draw people in. But how do you make that happen? Veteran drama director Steve Pederson of Willow Creek Community Church's renowned drama department takes you into the workings of powerful and effective drama ministry. Drawing on his vast experience as a drama director and teacher, Pederson shares expert advice on every aspect of drama -- powerful, hands-on insights you can apply today. Here's what you need to know and do in order to - Assemble a drama team - Train a drama team - Help your team stay together - Write a winning sketch - Direct effectively -- Drama Ministry is the definitive church drama resource. It brims with information, ideas, training exercises, samples of scripts, troubleshooting tips, and other tools that can take your team for a quantum leap in effectiveness. The book is punctuated with personal testimonies and stories from audiences and actors that reveal the power and impact of drama. The CD-ROM included with this book provides a video demonstration of directing techniques. Whether you're a drama director, part of a drama team, or a pastor interested in developing drama ministry in your church, this book is a must. Drama Ministry will ignite your vision for church drama, and help you produce sketches that grab your audience's attention -- and heart -- from the beginning.