Three by Flannery 0'Connor
註釋Flannery O'Connor's strong, fiercely comic, powerful fiction has won unanimous critical acclaim. No other writer has captured the Southern rhythm and throb of humor, hysteria and passion so well as she has. And here - in one Signet Classic Volume - are three of the great works that established her reputation as one of America's most original and provocative writers. WISE BLOOD evokes a terrifying world as it reveals a weird relationship between a sensual young girl, a conniving widow, and a young man who deliberately blinds himself. THE VIOLENT BEAR IT AWAY tells of a strangely decadent family - three generations of men obsessed by guilt and driven to violence. EVERYTHING THAT RISES MUST CONVERGE is a collection of compelling stories about eroding family relationships, individuals grappling with their sense of place in a changing society, race relations in the new south, and a powerful vision of death and divine revelations.