English Alive 1 is the centrepiece of a groundbreaking program for English in the Middle Years. The program focuses strongly on reading and writing and on associated thinking skills and strategies. Beginning with the premise that Middle Years students need to be engaged and stimulated before they can learn effectively the program recognises that students learn in different ways and draw on multiple intelligences.
English Alive 1 is designed to encourage deep learning: students investigate a knowledge area in many layers, so that they build deep understanding and develop a range of skills. Reading and writing are taught through a thematic workshop approach, using high-interest texts and activities that really teach students the how of literary, everyday and visual texts.
The Jacaranda fiction series is also part of the program. This provides both motivated and reluctant readers with stimulating fiction - some with SOSE/Humanities/HSIE links. The titles the the series are suitable as set texts or for literature circles and wide reading programs.