La gula del picaflor
註釋Un secreto congreso de seductores sesiona en la ciudad de La Paz, donde siete maestros del estropicio y la exaltaci�n narran sus historias, mayormente desalmadas y excepcionalmente tiernas, exhibiendo gustos, propensiones y t�cnicas diferentes.
El congreso, denominado "La gula del picaflor", es presidido por don Juan, un viejo l�der sindical revolucionario, a quien la memoria le falla y el cuerpo casi no le responde. Pero por encima de sus impedimentos f�sicos y de la edad que anda perdona, la heroica chispa de la pasi�n pervive en �l.

ENGLISH DESCRIPTION"La gula del picaflor" is the name of a congress of seducers, in which seven men from different parts of Bolivia, get together to tell each other their love anecdotes, mainly wild yet exceptionally tender. Exhibiting different interests, likings, and techniques, these stories are linked and narrated by the president of the congress, Don Juan. In this work, Lech�n investigates the complexity and particularity of the human being, its instincts and its feelings.