
The Fuzed Trilogy is Bourne Identity meets Avatar and Interstellar.

A USA TODAY bestseller and Eric Hoffer Award winner, it's is a true story we hope never happens.

Preventing his burning fighter from hitting a neighborhood, he ejects too late.

A year later, he wakes up in a hospital looking like an omni-racial Olympic athlete. His body wasn't repaired ... it was replaced. He's GMO, a genetic blend of humanity's best genes, but with a voice in his head that tells him an extinction-level event is imminent. He knows the most likely explanation is paranoid schizophrenia, but decides to use his insider knowledge to create a counterfeit classified program. Recruiting a brilliant international team, they secretly develop the world's most powerful weapon to ... protect humanity?

This is a work of fiction. Unfortunately, the science behind it isn't. These extinction-level events are inevitable but also completely preventable ... if we act. A cadre of experts that include renowned astrophysicists, astronauts, admirals and intelligence operatives, explore solutions. See the 2020 talk: How do we prevent our inevitable extinction? at TED.com.