John Kendrick Bangs - Mrs. Raffles
註釋Love doesn't always conquer all. This is an enchanting spoof of high society and larceny. The widow, Mrs. Raffles moves from South Africa after the death of her husband and takes up a new life, residence and occupation in the United States. Her residence was a rented for $2500.00 monthly and was paid by selling its contents. Her profession was thievery. She ingenious stole from the rich with a coolness and cunning that launches her into the highest societies of New York and Newport. It is an interesting book with a unique look at crime. Bunny, her late husband's friend and partner, answers an ad for his services as butler. His love for his late friend's wife brought him to her door in the hope of winning a place in her heart. John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922) was a prolific writer and known for his humor.