"The book has relevance to academics, scholars, administrators, policy experts, anthropologists, sociologists, development scientists, environmentalists as well as anyone interested in the welfare of communities residing in the vicinity of a Protected Area. It stands out as a work that will stand the test of time and should be an asset that many would like to keep.
Dr. Abhik Ghosh
Professor and Chairperson
Department of Anthropology
Panjab University
This book is an excellent compilation of the outcome of the intense research work undertaken in the emerging field of Community Based Ecotourism Management at The UNESCO World Heritage Site, The Great Himalayan National Park and it will certainly be useful to provide necessary information, future research, road map and guidelines for all the stakeholders for effective planning and implementation of sustainable ecotourism.
Ajay Srivastav
Faculty, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun
Former Director, Great Himalayan National Park"