Traffic Safety and the Driver
Leonard Evans
Science Serving Society
The Unchanged 1991 Classic Text
Science Serving Society
, 1991-03
Medical / Public Health
Self-Help / Safety & Security / General
Social Science / General
Technology & Engineering / General
Transportation / General
This is the classic 1991 text 'Traffic Safety and the Driver', a book that has been described as the bible of traffic safety research. The principles and concepts described in it are as valid as when written. The author's later book 'Traffic Safety' (2004) http: //www.scienceservingsociety.com/traffic-safety.htm revisits many of the same themes, and adds much content not covered here. On the other hand there is much in this book not covered in the later one, such as the celebrated comment on p. 378: "In the era before the birth of experimental science, Greek philosophers thought that nature could be understood by pure thought alone, without the need for data. Nowadays there seem to be people who think that it can be understood with data alone, without the need for thought". Quotes from some of the 28 reviews: It is an easy book to read, the terminology is clear and concise, it is well thought out and written, and in parts comes into the "difficult to put down" category. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL It is an important text for professionals and individuals interested in the problem of injury resulting from vehicular crashes. JAMA (JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION) It is a rare pleasure for a reviewer to be able to recommend a book wholeheartedly and unequivocally -- a book that is a delight to read. The joys of the book are both scientific and literary. This is a book for everyone interested in making roads safer. JOURNAL OF TRAFFIC MEDICINE It is rare for a book to land on the Care on the Road desk for review and stay there as an invaluable part of the information library. CARE ON THE ROAD (ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS, UK) It should be compulsory reading for all concerned with the evaluation of traffic safety measures. ERGONOMICS (UK) One of the more refreshing aspects of the book is Evans' willingness to make inferences from the complexities of the research with which he is obviously thoroughly familiar. DRIVER/EDUCATION (CANADA) Risk assessors and managers interested in the contributors to the risks of "everyday living" will find this book especially interesting. RISK ANALYSIS "The problem of traffic crashes," Evans points out, "is much more one of drivers doing things that they know they ought not to do, than of drivers not knowing what to do." THE WILSON QUARTERLY Is an essential reference for the 90's and will prove invaluable to all who work in the field. ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Evans places the raw data in striking contexts. LAW AND SOCIETY REVIEW This book is essential for anyone doing research in traffic safety . . . It is so clearly written that it would be highly appropriate for the general public and for public libraries. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION Evans has written a cogent survey of social contributors to car crashes and fatalities. CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY The author has the right credentials for a book such as this. The book presents an impressive array of statistics concerning traffic safety. Many of these statistics will surprise and occasionally amuse. JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY (UK) .. is comprehensive, clearly organized, well documented and easy to read. The book is a valuable reference for those working in the field of traffic safety and transportation planning. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION Its comprehensiveness and readability, coupled with its extensive references to the primary literature, make this an excellent starting place for anyone interested in traffic safety research. Chapter 12, entitled "How You Can Reduce Your Risk," is likely to be of wide interest. RISK - ISSUES IN HEALTH & SAFETY Leonard Evans, author of 'Traffic Safety and the Driver', a book that has been referred to as the bible of traffic safety research. DRIVER/EDUCATION NEWSLETTER.