註釋Abstract: Abstract: Spinal canal stenosis is a dynamic phenomenon that becomes apparent during spinal loading. Current diagnostic procedures have considerable short comings in diagnosing the disease to full extend, as they are performed in supine situation. Upright MRI imaging might overcome this diagnostic gap.
This study investigated the lumbar neuroforamenal diameter, spinal canal diameter, vertebral body translation, and vertebral body angles in 3 different body positions using upright MRI imaging.
Fifteen subjects were enrolled in this study. A dynamic MRI in 3 different body positions (at 0° supine, 80° upright, and 80° upright+hyperlordosis posture) was taken using a 0.25T open-configuration scanner equipped with a rotatable examination bed allowing a true standing MRI.
The mean diameter of the neuroforamen at L5/S1 in 0° position was 8.4mm on the right and 8.8mm on the left, in 80° position 7.3mm on the right and 7.2mm on the left, and in 80° position with hyperlordosis 6.6mm (P0.05) on the right and 6.1mm on the left (P0.001).brThe mean area of the neuroforamen at L5/S1 in 0° position was 103.5mm2 on the right and 105.0mm2 on the left, in 80° position 92.5mm2 on the right and 94.8mm2 on the left, and in 80° position with hyperlordosis 81.9mm2 on the right and 90.2mm2 on the left.brThe mean volume of the spinal canal at the L5/S1 level in 0° position was 9770mm3, in 80° position 10600mm3, and in 80° position with hyperlordosis 9414mm3.brThe mean intervertebral translation at level L5/S1 was 8.3mm in 0° position, 9.9mm in 80° position, and 10.1mm in the 80° position with hyperlordosis.