Bringing Geographical Information Systems into Business
註釋The complete guide to choosing and using GIS in business

Over the last few years, Geographical Information Systems (GIS)have become less expensive and easier to use, and the tremendouspotential of GIS to boost business productivity is finally beingrealized. Incorporating the latest developments in GIS technologyand applications, this book explores what GIS has to offercompanies in many different areas of industry today and how it canbe successfully integrated into existing business operations.

Building on the success of its predecessor, this Second Editioncovers every key aspect of using GIS in business. It explains whatGIS is and helps readers gain a clear understanding of the costsand benefits of moving to a GIS. New case studies from both themanufacturing and service sectors illustrate how GIS can supporttactical and strategic business decision-making, and the book'sunbiased coverage of commercially available GIS software isinvaluable for anyone involved in selecting a GIS system andgetting it up and running.

With a practical, real--world approach, the book also addresses themain issues involved in GIS implementation, paying particularattention to the integration of GIS within an organization'sexisting management information system.

An increasingly vital tool for operations and delivery of goods andservices, GIS makes terrific business sense for many companies-butonly when properly selected and applied.

This book gives GIS consultants, practitioners, and othersconsidering the move to GIS the foundation they need to put thispowerful technology to work effectively in business.