בראי השואה, פרשת ואלדהיים והמאבק לשלום
出版פפירוס, 1990
註釋A collection of essays by Mushkat, who was a member of the Allied Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Criminals in the German occupied zone, and served as a member of the U.N. War Crimes Commission for several years. Pt. I (p. 9-25), "The Waldheim Affair, " presents his views on the Affair, in which he concludes that although the accusations against Waldheim may be baseless, there is a need to establish an investigating committee. Pt. II (p. 27-90), "The Holocaust and Justice for War Criminals, " discusses the legal basis of the Nuremberg Trials; neo-Nazi and New Left antisemitism in Germany, in the guise of anti-Zionism; support for terrorism against Jews and Israelis; portrayal of Jews as capitalist exploiters (e.g. by Fassbinder); German failures in trying and punishing war criminals; Germans' denial of responsibility for the Holocaust; sentimentalization of the Nazi period in German literature and revisionism in historiography; the failure of the Allies to intervene in the Holocaust; and the commemoration in Warsaw of the 50th anniversary of the ghetto uprising (some speakers at this event played a leading part in the expulsion of the Jews from Poland in 1968, and now claimed that the Poles helped the Jews in the uprising).