Participation and Attainment of Individual Client Groups Within Vocational Education and Training
註釋This report examines participation in vocational education and training (VET) of four groups of Australians: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, women, people from a non-English speaking background (NESB), and people with disabilities. For each group, the following are presented and depicted in figures and tables: background, context (population and labor force analysis, educational attainment, training within the VET sector, and outcomes from VET). In the chapter on women, additional sections discuss participation in postcompulsory education and analyze participation in eight Australian states. The conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) Aboriginal and Torres Island Strait peoples have low levels of educational attainment, low participation in the labor force, overrepresentation in low-skilled jobs, and underrepresentation among graduates of Technical and Further Education (TAFE); (2) although women have lower levels of VET and labor force participation than men, their numbers are increasing in upper secondary and higher education and slowly rising in VET; (3) participation and attainment of NESB people vary among different cultures, but this group is less likely to participate in middle/higher level vocational courses, receives less employer support, takes longer to find jobs, and is more likely to be in low-skilled occupations; and (4) people with disabilities have high unemployment, less success in TAFE, and poorer labor market outcomes following graduation. (YLB)