On-site Assessment to Identify Success Factors for Developing Vocational Education and Training Strategies at the Regional Level in Poland
註釋The purpose of this study was to identify the main steps and actors in a successful strategy formulation, implementation and monitoring as well as systemic bottlenecks to define success factors for developing VET strategies at the regional level in Poland, with the focus on initial VET (iVET). Based on initial review of existing strategic efforts across all the regions in Poland and scoping interviews at the central level, three regions were selected for in-depth analysis: Dolnośląskie, Małopolskie, and Pomorskie. The fieldwork phase consisted of 20 semi-structured individual interviews (IDIs) conducted in each of the three selected regions. Interviewees included Regional Operational Programme Managing Authorities, representatives of local governments and central institutions at the regional level, iVET school directors and employers. Alongside examining specific strategy-development processes and regional capacities in this respect, the study investigated how regions were able to overcome systemic challenges, such as the decentralisation of managerial and financial responsibilities for iVET sector to counties (powiats). While regional authorities have financial resources of Regional Operational Programmes(ROP) at their disposal, they have a limited mandate in relation to iVET. Thus, the major dilemma facing Polish regions as they decide on strategic development of iVET in their territory and as they programme ROPs is how to achieve strategic goals with limited managerial powers over a vast majority of vocational and technical schools, and with counties and cities with county rights having political and budgetary independence from regions.