From Desperation to Peace of Mind

Human beings have always searched for meaning and wrestled with our place and role
in the universe. How did we get here, and what is the meaning of it all? From
Desperation to Peace of Mind by Calvin Fields is a comprehensive deep-dive into ageold questions, such as the existence of God, if there is life after death, and how the
world came to be. Using established sources from history and science, Fields tackles
topics such as evolution, atheism, and the early Christian church, and discusses what it
means to be a follower of Jesus in the modern-day world. Full of insightful
commentary, Field shows how the Bible contains the answers to the questions we seek
and that science and faith are not mutually exclusive, rather they are intertwined and
cannot be separated. Readers will walk away more confident in their faith and better
equipped to share it with others.