The Alien Factor
註釋THE YEAR IS 1942. The German war machine rolls across Europe, crushing everything in its path. America and her Allies have only recently entered the war, but it seems both sides are too evenly matched. The war could drag on for years, could go either way...until the day the saucer fell like an arrow from the heavens, bringing with it secrets of world-shattering consequence. The Nazis are quick to capture the spacecraft and its unearthly occupants, anxious to make use of interstellar devices that could allow them to accomplish their goal of annihilating their enemies and establishing the Thousand-Year Reich that Adolph Hitler seeks to create. Realizing what might happen should the Nazis master the alien technology, the Allies send in a suicide squad -- a group snidely referred to as "Logan's Losers" -- to either retrieve the aliens and their secrets...or destroy them. The mission is further complicated, however, when Russia, too, learns of the downed UFO, and sends their own agent intothe heart of Germany. But there is a traitor among the Allied invasion force, working to bring the Allies down from within, and when Logan a