No wonder, there are so many books in the market and free downloads on the websites on English Second Language Teaching (ESLT)! Yet, I felt like writing this book. Why? Because I myself had my primary and secondary education in regional medium- State Govt. run schools, obviously, with English as Second Language, hence personally experiencing English language learning difficulties. As fate would have it, after being a mother and homemaker for a lengthy period, got selected in A.P. Residential schools to teach English for middle and high schoolchildren.
Then started my travail and quest…why in government schools pupils feel English a big hurdle…a hard nut to crack in exams? Apart from that, my lacunae i.e., inadequate skills in ELT, led to pursue several courses in EFLU, Hyderabad, including M.Phil. in English, while in service.
The result of my quest, practice in teaching and enquiry led to writing this book. A comprehensive one…a linguistic compendium for English teachers…an all-encompassing English paradigm for the general public. All in all, a schoolteacher’s voice.