My Life - Born in Free Tibet, Served in Exile

Tashi Wangdi devoted his life to serve His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people in their peaceful and nonviolent struggle for truth, justice and freedom. He paints a riveting account of his life, starting with his happy childhood in Tibet, which was shattered in 1959, following the Chinese Communist invasion. After fleeing with his family to India, he was among the initial group of 25 students to be educated at the first school His Holiness established, soon after arriving in India. 


He dedicated the next 40 years of his life to the Tibetan cause, rising to the top leadership ranks in the Tibetan government in exile, serving as the Minister of 6 different portfolios and also as His Holiness' Representative in New Delhi, New York and Brussels. His detailed and fascinating first-hand account covers many seminal moments in the history of the Tibetan people in exile, including the beginnings of a nascent Tibetan government in exile, its negotiations with the Chinese government, and His Holiness receiving international recognition with the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize, the US Congressional Gold Medal, and Honorary Canadian Citizenship, among others.