To the Ends of the Earth
註釋In To the Ends of the Earth: Building a National Missionary Sending Structure, Dr. Arto Hamalainen and Dr. Ulf Strohbehn provide a framework for building a national mission structure, based on many years of effective high-level leadership on the platform of a Spirit-filled collaborative community worldwide. -- Dr. Luis Bush, International Facilitator, Transform World Connections To the Ends of the Earth: Building a National Missionary Sending Structure is timely for Spiritempowered mission to have practical components, while positioning mission communities towards decentralized local operations closely engaging given contexts. -- Dr. Wonsuk Ma, Dean College of Theology and Ministry, Distinguished Professor of Global Christianity, Oral Roberts University I find To the Ends of the Earth: Building a National Missionary Sending Structure a blend of sound doctrine, ethical and practical Missionary handbook. -- Bishop Eli Rop, General Secretary Full Gospel Churches of Kenya Secretary Africa Pentecostal Mission Fellowship (APMF) Doctors Arto Hamalainen and Ulf Strohbehn have created an amazing mission manual for the use of churches and leaders in To the Ends of the Earth: Building a National Missionary Sending Structure. I have had the privilege to closely follow Arto`s path to one of leading Pentecostal mission promoters in Europe and in all the world over two decades. -- Rev. Rauno Mikkonen, Chairman Pentecostal European Mission Committee This book is a welcome resource for us to move forward, and take the vision and involvement of national movements starting out in missions to the next level. -- Rev. Brad Walz, Chairman World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF) Missions' Commission Arto Hamalainen and Ulf Strohbehn in To The Ends of the Earth: Building a National Mission Structure provide a roadmap for greater global collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission. They show the practical dynamics of missions' strategy and structure, but all within the larger context of the Spirit's dynamic work in and through the Church. -- Dr. Timothy C. Tennent, President Asbury Theological Seminary