註釋Pressure Suite: Digital Science Fiction Anthology - Short Story Collection Book 3, is an anthology of original science fiction short stories from professional writers. This release of Digital Science Fiction's anthology series delves into the corners of the human psyche to push and prod and demonstrate how our species acts under varying degrees of adversity. We didn't intentionally seek out any particular theme - it emerged and developed its own life as if it was sentient and wanted to emphatically demonstrate its existence. From the slightly humorous to an in-depth look at how the mind can fragment under intense strain, these ten stories cover the gamut of human responses to pressure. Ten original and remarkable stories by professional science fiction authors: - Matthew W. Quinn - Coil Gun - William R. Eakin - 50-Foot Woman Over Redgunk, Mississippi - Laura J. Campbell - Beyond Valhalla - R.J. Bell - Brae na Urd - David Murphy - The Blanket Box - Kyle Aisteach - Pressure and the Argument Tree - James C. Glass - Skirmish at Heklara - Fox Mc Geever - The Crossing - Kate O'Connor - The Sun Dodgers - Jason Palmer - Son of Man Editorial Standards Digital Science Fiction Anthology 3 welcomes back Christine Clukey as editor. At Digital Science Fiction, we strive for technically perfect digital and print versions of all our books. Each Digital Science Fiction book is vetted for superior literary quality then subjected to comprehensive professional editing. After editing, all content is proofread before submission to layout and formatting, then again after the book is fully built. In this way we expect you to find each Digital Science Fiction book not only entertaining, but error free. Closing Notes We thank you for your interest in our book, and invite you to plunge into the ten terrific stories contained within. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have enjoyed presenting them."