Hannibal Hamlin to Jabez True Discussing Nominations and Elections, 10 June 1847
註釋Informs True that he will probably not be nominated for county Sheriff. Discusses the political caucus debating nominations. Hamlin and others support True's candidacy, but believe that the nomination for Shff for our county will probably go to Chamberlain instead of True. Also discusses other nominations and upcoming elections. Excerpt: .Stetson has done all that man could do and I have aided all in my power, but I must say that we now think the matter looks very doubtful - We both fear that Chamberlain will be nominater, which justice requires, and we yet hope it will not be so - To morrow will tell the story & I will inform you of the result whether good or bad.I think Dana was disposed to nominate you, it may be he will do it yet.Within the last 24 hours the Gov. has been in keeping of [a list of several names follows]. Hence we think it looks bad - But if he shall nominate Chamberlain there must be no holding back & nothing must be left undone, which human exertion can accomplish.In short the right sort of men must be seen & talked with.We must not fail - You will show this letter to Chamberlain & Chadwick, but to none others, & what we design to do must be kept close & no one must know it.Use no such word as fail & never say die.