註釋"'Three Degrees of Change' is a project that brings together three artists whose practice is concerned with issues of climate change, sustainability and the many challenges which humanity now faces. They have taken as their starting point the simple question, 'In the context of the debate surrounding climate change, how do we/humans relate and engage with the environment?'. These three very different artists have created three very different installations that give us three very different views. Ken and Julia Yonetani draw our attention to the precarious nature of coral reefs and the path of destruction that is now marching towards these fragile eco-systems. Laruen Berkowitz juxtaposes a myriad of indigenous and introduced plants. Drawing on the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam - loosely translated as healing or repairing the shattered world - Berkowitz offers us simple and practical steps on how we might begin this process of healing. Ash Keating highlights the wasteful lives that many of us live. Intercepting waste as it makes its way to landfill, Keating temporarily places a glitch in the system, reusing the found material to create temporary sculptures and performances." -- Foreword.