Fish Who Answer the Telephone and Other Bizarre Books

Out of the tens of thousands of books published every year, a significant proportion are unintentionally funny or just plain loopy. Fish Who Answer the Telephone and Other Bizarre Books brings these choice works together between two covers. Extraordinary titles include: Aeroplane Designing for Amateurs; How to Draw a Straight Line; Ferret Facts and Fancies and Phone Calls from the Dead. The contents of many of these titles are no less mind-boggling - from illustrations of different types of barbed wire, to the advice contained in Whippings and Lashings ('always use ropes or cord of suitable thickness' and 'do not fumble or use fancy methods'), the oddness collected here is unrivalled. Some of the most unusual book jackets ever created are reproduced in full-colour, along with a selection of the most extraordinary book descriptions ever written ('This book shows 178 jumps executed by some of the most prominent and important people of our society'). Fish Who Answer the Telephone and Other Bizarre Books is a unique and utterly original collection of the world's most unusual books and authors.

Featuring full colour covers of gems such as Scouts in Bondage and Moles and their Meaning
The oddest titles, including Flashes from the Welsh Pulpit and Premature Burial and How it May Be Prevented
And the strangest authors, from Marmeduke Baglehole to Dr F.P.H Prick van Wily