註釋Something to make you think . . . . . . Something to make you ponder . . . . . And perhaps something to make you smile occasionally . . . . The substance of this book aspires to be an anthology of observations, idle conjecture and suppositions concerning the existence and behaviour exhibited by a very modern animal, the Human Being. Subjects are not discussed in great depth, but instead in a light and sometimes humorous attempt to add contemplation and comprehension to the behaviour exhibited or enacted by all of us on a day to day basis. Some of the antics, activities and habits are well known, but knowledge of others may depend on ones intelligence, awareness or apathy. It is hoped the contents within may be described as a cocktail of sociology and psychology with just a dash of philosophy added for taste. Alas it may also be described as the incoherent ramblings of an opinionated individual. However, in order for one to form a judgment on the essence of this book, one first has to read it!