2020 Vision for the National Science Foundation. NSB-05-142
出版ERIC Clearinghouse, 2005
註釋History suggests that a nation that relinquishes the torch of science puts its future prosperity at risk and jeopardizes its place in the history of civilization. The National Science Board believes this fate must not be allowed to befall the country. The National Science Board 2020 Vision for the National Science Foundation (NSF) provides a vision statement for the National Science Foundation that is informed by a sense of the United States as a Nation, the Board's knowledge of the trajectory of global science and engineering research, and their confidence in a promising future. The Board also provides strategic priorities, near-term goals, and enabling strategies for achieving this vision. Beyond a focus on NSF, the Board believes that this document can also serve as a valuable compass for setting the course for science and engineering research and science education in this Nation. (Includes 1 figure.).