The Book of the Secrets of Prayer and its Requirements
Virtue of the prayer, prostration, congregation, call to prayer and its precepts
出版Islam Digital
主題Religion / Islam / Rituals & Practice
註釋This book describes the importance of prayer and its requirements. It describes what is essential for the disciple in terms of the external acts and its inner secrets of prayer, and revealing its refined hidden meanings in terms of humility, sincerity and intention. Presented to the English speaking public is a translation of two chapters of Ghazal's great work, Ihya .ulum al-din. The chapter is entitled kitabasrar al-salah (the book of the secrets of prayer and its requirements). This translation was originally carried out by E E Caverley which I have edited in places to give the reader a clearer understanding of the text and correcting the Quranic references. I have also included in the book the prophetic narrations in the original Arabic to give the reader of Arabic a fuller flavour of the intended meaning. The two chapters selected are entitled "fefadail al-salahwa al-sajudwa-aljama.hwa al-azaanwaibarihaï" (virtue of the prayer, prostration, congregation, call to prayer and its precepts). And the third chapter from the book entitled fee shuruut al-batinah min a.amaal al-qalb. (Inward stipulations for the acts of the heart) The first chapter generally focuses on the pre-eminent status of prayer and its superiority over all other forms of worship in Islam. Instilling in the one who is about to initiate the prayer the enormity and seriousness of the action. The second chapter in the book focuses on the mind-set of the one who is engaged in prayer, humility being a fundamental pillar in this regard. Imam Ghazali also offers practical remedies to attain this status of humility and describes the base nature of heedlessness before one's Creator. I hope this book acts as a means of proximity since nothing can facilitate this noble goal to reach one's Lord but the Prayer. But prostate in adoration, and bring thyself the closer (to Allah) Surah Alaq.19