Diverse roles for Occupational Therapists

Diverse roles for occupational therapists is a compilation of a range of roles for occupational therapists. Authors show how they have embraced opportunities, extended roles, and developed services along with the ever-changing world of statutory services policy. Whilst many of the chapters allude to mental health fields (care coordination, a number of mental health specialities, Mental Health Act), the book also includes topics relevant to general practice (research roles, advanced practice, Assistive Technology, the Mental Capacity Act).

This book is intended to inform and inspire the reader, to share ways of dealing with hurdles whilst remaining resilient to prevailing pressures and difficulties borne out of our working lives as occupational therapists in a wide range of settings.

Contents include:

Occupational therapists as care coordinators

Occupational therapists and assertive outreach

Occupational therapists working in a Crisis Home Treatment Team

Occupational therapy on a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit

Prison inreach: the occupational therapist role

Social groups within an intensive mental health team, and creative methods for evaluating the service

Occupational therapists delivering Recovery

Occupational therapists delivering rehabilitation

Roles in vocational rehabilitation

Occupational therapists delivering assistive technology

The child and adolescent primary mental health work role

Enabling young people’s participation in their mental health service

Working with families

Early intervention with psychosis: the occupational therapist’s role

Working with people with personality disorder

Working with people with eating disorders

Occupational therapists as cognitive behaviour therapists

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

The Approved Mental Health Professional role

Roles associated with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

The occupational therapist as an advanced practitioner

Research roles for occupational therapists