Costa Rica and the CGIAR Centers
A Study of Their Collaboration in Agricultural Research
出版World Bank, 1985
註釋In Costa Rica, the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) is formed principally by the Direccion de Investigaciones Agricolas of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAG), the University of Costa Rica through its Faubio Baudrit Experimental Station, and the Technical Department of the Consejo Nacional de Produccion (CNP). The most prevalent links with the international agricultural research centers (IARCs) are periodic visits by scientists and the international testing nurseries. The International Tropical Agriculture Center's (CIAT) beans program has a regional representative, located in Costa Rica, who is in constant interaction with the local beans group. The division of research efforts between the Costa Rican NARS and the IARCs varies from program to program, but in general the IARCs do the basic research and the NARS does field testing, evaluations and further selection of genetic materials. The genetic material provided by the IARCs has been the basis for the national commodity programs; this contribution was rated as excellent. The contributions of the IARCs in terms of enhancing human capital has been essential to the existence of the commodity programs and contributions made by the IARCs in the form of equipment and materials have been extremely important.