African American parent and student perspectives on special education
Robert Earl Buck
Robert Earl Buck
Augsburg College
, 2014
While there is literature out there that discusses African American parent perspectives on special education, there is very little literature available that discusses student perspectives of special education. The literature that is out there for student perspectives does not come from an African American or a middle school point of view. With African American students making up about 12% of the total student population, but 20% of the total special education population, than they currently have. What are the perspectives of African American students towards their special education experience? Have the perspectives of African American parents changed towards special education?Through qualitative methods using narrative and descriptive approaches, this study investigates African American parent and student perspectives on their special education experience. This research provides perspectives about how the parents and their children feel about their special education experiences as it relates to the school, teachers, classroom peers, the evaluation process, IEP's and communication between the school and parents. In addition, it discusses how students feel successful in the special education setting and what leads to those feelings.