The Son of My Father

About the Book

As a sickly child, John W Waters was told he would not live to five years old. His family, large and dysfunctional, was never any help, especially his father, who said John would never amount to much even if he did live to see adulthood.

At three, John's love of reading took over, and with each year that passed, he defied all the odds, not only living long enough to see himself become an adult but earning top grades and graduating at the top of his class in high school. His father never attended his commencement.

As his passion for religion and education grew, John earned his PhD in the Hebrew Bible and taught at several higher education institutions, ending his academic career as a chairperson of the Biblical Studies Department at the ITC in Atlanta.

John's passion for the Lord is what drove him to begin a new career in ministry, beginning as a youth minister and moving up through the ranks until he retired as a senior minister emeritus at the Greater Solid Rock Baptist Church.

Receiving many honors and awards throughout his life for his community and religious service, John succeeded in a world where most thought he would fail, and now writes his inspiring journey in this one-of-a-kind memoir for those who were always told they would never succeed. For those who see themselves as unworthy. In the eyes of God, you are, and with hard work, determination, and a strong faith, your journey can be just as fruitful.

About the Author

John W Waters, PhD., enjoys reading, listening to good music, cooking, and writing poetry. After living for more than eight decades, he no longer actively engages in civic and community activities as he had been.