註釋Cyrus Jackson spent a life focused on his own wants, needs and desires and he didn't care who he had to hurt to get what he wanted. He is a Washington, D.C. local gangster, hoodlum and at one time, drug king-pin, known to put gut-wrenching fear into the hearts and minds of everyone he encountered, never letting his feelings get in the way of being on top of his game. He has a family he was estranged from, choosing instead to create a new family from friends who were loyal to the death to him. He'd been in and out of jail since his teenage years and spent his adult years surviving by any means necessary. He is feared by many, hated by even more and was known to have a heart that was ice-cold and unfeeling. He was the last person anyone expected to turn into a #GirlDad after finding out about an orphaned daughter he never knew he had.Shiloh Moore entered Cyrus' life and with one look, his heart swelled with a love he never knew he could possess. He saw a little girl who needed someone to save her and most of all, love her. Cyrus wanted a fresh start, a chance to prove he could be the father that Shiloh needed in her life even when a system that knows of his past is hesitant to let him prove that he could change.