A Community of Stories
Involving Citizens in Education Reform. Partners in Learning Series
出版American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 1996
註釋This paper discusses education reform and the need to involve communities in making significant changes to the educational system. The introductory section discusses schools as communities of learners. In such schools the community emerges from a collaborative relationship among parents, community institutions, and the school. Schools will be successful in a milieu where there is a vibrant understanding of responsibility, where there is an understanding by parents and community institutions that the children living in that community are their responsibility. The goal is to create communities of engagement and involvement. The second section, "Telling Stories," contrasts the Grand Inquisitor in "The Brothers Karamazov" with the leadership style of Moses in the biblical Book of Numbers concluding that the role of the organizer is to stir people into action around the things that are important to them. Section three, "Communities of Collaboration," is the story of the transformation of Zavala Elementary School in Austin (Texas) from the worst performing school in its district to one of the best through parental and community engagement. The concluding section, "Collaborations of Conversations," reviews the rules of engagement and the relational power that is part of collaboration and the judgment necessary to make successful compromises. (ND)