
Graduation should be your best memory!

(Especially from the Royal Interstellar Service Academy!)

"Eclipse is an intelligent novel that will leave readers with much to think about." - Victoria Strauss, SF Site

"Bedford has a fascinating way with building stories. By the time you realise you're hooked. you're having to tell your family to go ahead without you." - Jill Hayes, Bookchick

"Reading Eclipse was my great pleasure! It truly is one of those books that is hard to put down, it's been a long time since I've devoured a book like this. Seat belts should come standard with every copy." - Charlie Stuart

Eclipse convinced me that K. A. Bedford is an author to keep an eye on." — Terry Baker, The Eternal Night

A taut psychological thriller set in the claustrophobic confines of a starship.

"I just finished it... and the ending blew me Away!" - Ken Kanton

He was warned "not to rock the boat"

Watching HMS Eclipse through the geosynch spaceport window, Officer James Dunne, a newly minted graduate of the Royal Interstellar Service Academy, thinks his first assignment will be routine ... an easy going excursion on an aging deep-space cruiser, heading into the Dark, on a mission to explore the farthest reaches of known space.

James had always wanted to be a part of the romantic final frontier. Now, he thought, his lifelong dream was about to come true.

In fact, he was about to begin the greatest challenge, and worst nightmare, of his already-too-short service career!

Although repeatedly warned "not to rock the boat", it soon becomes obvious that it is too late for the young Officer!

He is drafted into the First Contact Team where he realizes two things: (1) that his contribution to the Interstellar Space Service might easily turn out to be that of a 'replaceable warm body' and (2) that disrespecting junior officers, like Dunne himself, often suffer 'unfortunate' and sometimes fatal 'accidents' out in the Dark.

Dunne's survival will depend on his ability to separate power from perversion while enduring the corruption and control of others!


"Eclipse works in all the ways that matter. It kept me turning pages way past bedtime. It has an edge of barely contained terror throughout; it has love, (sort of); it has mysterious, very alien aliens. It has a big picture that gets bigger as the story ends. It left me eager for more. Eclipse convinced me that K. A. Bedford is an author to keep an eye on." - Terry Baker, The Eternal Night

"Eclipse... was a good read - very intense in parts, violent in others - and had me staying way too late in the evening when I had to get up early for work the next morning... I couldn't just put it down to finish tomorrow." - Lisa Ramaglia, scribesworld.com

Eclipse is a must-read Sci-fi adventure novel!