His Invisible Hand
A Miraculous Journey of Faith and Deliverance : a True Story
出版Camu Press, 1990
主題Religion / Christian Living / General
註釋The dynamic pace of Ralph & Mary Valerio in southern Italy occurs from 1924 to 1935, where half a century later they are still fondly remembered. Born in Italy & sent to America as working teenagers, they met & married in the Bronx, as Ralph was developing a reputation as man-about-town "grocery king." The stunning change in Ralph after his conversion amazed his cousins for years. He felt compelled to share his new concepts with his Italian kin & hometown. He sold his thriving business & moved a family of five to begin a self-supporting ministry on a bicycle. His fantastic success resulted in his subsequent ordination. Over 6 churches were developed from scratch in Sicily despite a dictatorial environment. Chapter headings: Overwhelming Presence, New Roots, Flee!, Ill Will, Persistent. Child-Power, Nocito's Angel, Where's Mama? Lure of Prophecies, Mama's Business Deal, Subliminal, Drowned-Almost, Spiritual Patriot, Furious Mob, Patriarchal Figure, Unforgettable, Soaked Rags, Even Fleas, Behind Bars, Ready at all Times, Mama's Friend, Disciple of the Gospel, Border Peril, Stitched in Harmony, Mission in New York City, Interacting, Hundreds of Packages, Flashback, Formia Revisited, His Invisible Hand, Window of the Past.