TERI Energy & Environment Data Diary and Yearbook (TEDDY) 2021/22

TERI Energy & Environment Data Diary and Yearbook (TEDDY) is an annual publication brought out by TERI since 1986. It is the only comprehensive energy and environment yearbook in India that provides updated information on the energy supply sectors (coal and lignite, petroleum and natural gas, power, and renewable energy sources), energy demand sectors (agriculture, industry, transport, household, buildings), and environment (local and global). Recent changes in the energy sector and environment are depicted with the help of graphs, figures, maps, and tables. The publication also reviews government policies associated with energy and environment. TEDDY 2021/22 gives an account of India’s commercial energy balances, extensively covering energy flows within different sectors of the economy and how they have been changing over time. These energy balances and conversion factors are a valuable reference for researchers, scholars, and organizations engaged in energy and related sectors. Contents of the book are organized into three sections—Energy Supply, Energy Demand, and Local and Global Environment. Interlinkage of SDGs with energy and environment also forms the subject matter of TEDDY 2021/22. The thirty seventh edition continues to remain less prose intensive with inclusion of more data, represented with the help of infographics, thus making the publication an authentic and interesting read.

 Key Features:

-  Provides a review of government policies, programmes, and initiatives that have implications for energy sector and the Indian economy

-  The analyses are based on the exhaustive data, sourced from energy supply, energy demand, and local and global environment sectors

-  Traces the trend exhibited by energy generation and consumption and its association with the environment



Energy and environment: an overview

Energy supply: Coal and lignite • Petroleum and natural gas • Power • Renewable energy

Energy demand: Agriculture • Industry • Transport • Household energy • Buildings

Local and global environment: Air • Solid waste management • Water resource management • Land and forest resource management • Climate change


Audience:  Researchers and Professionals from industries, government organizations, and public sector undertakings. Research scholars from different NGOs, bilateral and multilateral institutions, and academic institutions.

Shelving: Energy, Environmental Sciences and Studies, Industry (Coal and lignite, oil and gas, power, renewable energy), climate change, Agriculture sector, Transport sector, domestic sector

For sample chapters and Sankey diagram, please visit: www.teriin.org/projects/teddy

List of Tables

Coal and Lignite

1 New environmental norms for TPSs

2 FGD implementation status of TPSs—general summary (capacity in MW)

3 FGD implementation status of TPSs situated in NCR (capacity in MW)

· Pithead run of mine price of non-coking coal applicable for Eastern Coalfields Limited, Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Central Coalfields Limited, Northern Coalfields Limited, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, South Eastern Coalfields Limited, and North Eastern Coalfields Limited, with effect from 27 November 2020

· Revised price of coking coal for NRS

· Pit head price of non-coking coal applicable for Western Coalfields Limited, with effect from 27 November 2020


Petroleum and Natural Gas

1 Hydrocarbon reserve status (as on 1 April 2021)

2 Trend in installed refining capacity of Indian refineries (in MTPA)

3 Trend in subsidies for the sale of petroleum and natural gas in India

4 List of taxes for the production and sale of crude oil in India

5 List of taxes for the production and sale of natural gas in India

6 Retail selling price and taxes on petrol and diesel in India and other countries in 2019/20

7 Phasing of minimum work programme

8 Trend in CNG stations, CNG vehicles, and CNG sales in India

9 Allocation for MoPNG under the budget estimate for 2021/22

· City gas distribution bidding parameters

· Year-wise work programme for successful CGD bidders

· Major crude oil and product pipeline network (as on 1 April 2022)

· Existing major LPG and petroleum products’ pipelines in India (as on 31 March 2021)

· Status of existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure

· Price build-up of subsidised domestic LPG in Delhi as on 1 April 2022

· Price build-up of PDS SKO in Mumbai as on 1 April 2022

· Price buildup of MS (petrol) in Delhi as on 1 April 2022

· Price buildup of HSD in Delhi as on 1 April 2022

· Present status of CGD infrastructure in India


1 Sector-wise fuel-wise break-up of achieved capacity addition (in MW)

2 Addition in transmission lines and transformation capacity

3 Plan-wise growth of transmission lines (220 kV and above)

4 Import/export of energy by India from/to neighbouring countries (in MU)

5 Status of eight states as on 31 March 2021

6 Comparison of length of lines operating at various voltages as on 31 March 2021

7 Achievements in infrastructure under electrification schemes by Ministry of Power

8 Set targets and achievements under IPDS system

9 Details of electricity infrastructure created under DDUGJY (including additional infra) as on 31 October 2021

10 Set targets and achievements under UDAY scheme

11 Inter-regional power transfer capacity of national grid during the last three years

12 Sanctioned smart grid pilot projects and implementation status



1 Production, imports, and consumption of fertilizers (thousand tonnes of nutrients)

2 Shift in different sources of commercial energy consumption in Indian agriculture (in %)

3 Source-wise net irrigated area in India (in Mha)

4 Irrigation water productivity of rice, wheat, and sugar cane in major growing states

5 On-farm solar energy interventions linking water and land use in different states in India

· Policy categories and key nodal agency impacting energy use in agriculture

· Electricity consumption in agriculture sector


1 Brief overview of different PAT cycles for aluminium sector

2 Production of aluminium (in tonnes)

3 SEC in aluminium smelting

4 Brief overview of different PAT cycles for cement sector

5 Cement production

6 Indian and global average specific energy consumption of cement plant

7 Brief overview of different PAT cycle for chlor-alkali sector

8 Production of alkali chemicals

9 Section-wise energy consumption in caustic soda production

10 Brief overview of different PAT cycles for fertilizer sector

11 Production of urea, DAP and complex fertilizers (in MT)

12 Benchmarking energy consumption in the fertilizer sector

13 Brief overview of different PAT cycles for iron and steel sector

14 Crude steel production and capacity utilization

15 Comparison of Indian and international SEC for steel industry

16 Brief overview of different PAT cycles for pulp and paper sector

17 Benchmarking energy consumption in different industry groups of pulp and paper sector

18 Brief overview of different PAT cycles for textile sector

19 Production of yarn and fabric

20 Brief overview of different PAT cycles for petrochemical sector

21 Production (in MT) of major petrochemicals



1 Road category along with the length (in km) for 2018 and 2019

2 Cargo traffic handled at major ports (in tonne) in 2021/22

3 Cargo traffic handled at non-major ports (in tonne) for 2021/22

4 Number of projects and project cost under Sagarmala

· App-based solution project in round II cities

· Growth of metro rail over the years

· Number of E-buses sanctioned under FAME-II scheme

Household Energy

1 A timeline of government acts, policies, and schemes for providing energy access to households

· Per capita consumption during 2019

· Per capita consumption of electricity in India

· Energy consumption by countries

· Village electrification in India

· State-wise monthly average duration of power cuts in urban areas at 11 kV feeder level during May 2019

· Distribution of households based on energy source for lighting

· Source of energy for cooking in residential sector in India

· Percentage distribution of households by primary energy source for lighting (2001/02–2011/12)

· Percentage distribution of households by primary energy source for lighting (2001/02–2011/12)

· Percentage distribution of households by primary energy source for cooking (2001/02–2011/12)

· Consumption of LPG and kerosene

· Residential consumption of LPG



1 Climate characteristics

2 Suggested P/A ratios for cooling dominated regions

3 Climate-specific shading responses for passive cooling

4 Green building rating systems and daylight benchmarks

5 Status of energy-efficiency policies in India



1 State-/UT-wise distribution of manual and continuous monitoring stations in operation under NAMP

2 Revised ambient air quality standards

3 Breakpoints for AQI scale: 0–500

4 Active fire counts on crop land in different states of India during the last 10 years

5 Stack emission standards for major air-polluting industries

6 New emission standards for thermal power plants

7 Emission standards for two-wheeler and three-wheeler categories

8 Emission standards for four-wheeler category

9 Emission norms for heavy diesel vehicles

10 Emission standards for generator sets

11 Deaths attributable to air pollution along with total and per-capita economic loss due to premature deaths and morbidity attributable to air pollution in the states of India

12 Dose response study of short-term effects of criteria air pollutants on all daily mortality in India

13 Dose response study of short-term effects of criteria air pollutants all-cause mortality around the globe

14 Recent policies in different sectors to improve air quality in India

15 Planned and proposed source apportionment studies under NCAP and their status as of May 2022

· Comparison of ambient air quality standards of different countries

· Number of days different states exceeded the NAAQS of PM2.5

· Summary of estimated source contributions including the contribution of sources outside the city air sheds

· Studies conducted relating to health effects of air pollution


Solid Waste Management

· MSW gasification technologies

· Various treatment technologies for plastic waste and their environmental impacts

· Recycling facilities located in different cities of India

· Management of C&D waste in major cities of India


Water Resource Management

1 Estimated utilizable flows and average annual potentials of the main basins of the country

2 Criteria for categorization of assessment units

3 Irrigated area covered under different forms of irrigation

4 Indicators developed by MoSPI for tracking/monitoring the progress of nationally defined SDGs


Land and Forest Resource Management

1 Forest cover of India

2 State-wise forest cover of India

3 Forest cover under different fire-prone classifications

4 Forest carbon stock under different pools and changes w.r.t. previous assessment

5 Key statistics of Indian hotspots

6 Floral diversity of India

7 Distribution of species in different IUCN categories

8 Protected areas of India (as on December 2021)

9 Current statistics as per 2020/21 SDG INDIA for SDG 14 and SDG 15


Climate Change

1 Emission scenario

2 Level of CO2 emissions

3 Emission trends across four major CO2 emitters

4 Global emissions and emission gap under the implementation of NDCs for 2030 (median and range in GTCO2e)

5 Sector-wise national GHG emission (in MT)

6 Current status of state action plans on climate change

· Carbon dioxide emissions across regions (in MTCO2)

· Missions under National Action Plan on Climate Change

· Projects sanctioned under National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change

· State-wise projects with outlay sanctioned under National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change


List of Figures

Energy and Environment: an overview

1 Fuel-wise end-use energy consumption in 2020/21

2 Overall energy supply and consumption in India in 2020/21

3 Coal reserves in India as on 1 April 2021

4 Coal transportation by various modes

5 Trend in natural gas production and import dependency

6 Trend in petroleum products’ consumption in India

7 Installed generation capacity (as of March 2022)

8 Growth rate of electricity generation (2021/22)

9 Grid power and their percentage share till May 2022

10 Growth of renewable energy sources

11 Installed solar capacity (2017–22)

12 Electricity consumption in the agriculture sector

13 Number of diesel and electric pumps used in India

14 Global CO2 emission from transport subsectors (2000–20

15 Percentage of electricity consumers in residential sector to total power consumed by all sectors

16 Commercial energy consumption by use

17 Residential energy consumption by use

18 State-/UT-wise average ambient air quality status of different pollutant parameters for 2008–21

19 Per capita water availability in relation to population

20 Trend of average water table in India from 1980 to 2015

21 Forest cover of India

22 Emission trends across four major CO2 emitters

23 CO2 emissions (in MTCO2) in India in comparison to GDP (PPP)

24 CO2 emissions within subsectors in India


Coal and Lignite

1 Coal reserves in India as on 1 April 2021

2 Lignite reserves in India as on 1 April 2021

3 Coal and lignite production in India

4 Coal production by CIL and SCCL

5 Production of coal (in %) from opencast and underground mining

6 Coal off-take (in %) by different sectors in India during 2020/21

7 Lignite off-take (in %) by different sectors in India during 2020/21

8 Coal transportation by various modes

9 Year-wise import of coal in India (in MT)

10 Source-wise import of coal in India (in MT)

11 India’s export of coal (in %)


Petroleum and Natural Gas

1 Status of hydrocarbon reserves

2 Total balance recoverable crude oil and natural gas reserves in India

3 Basin-wise ultimate hydrocarbon reserves as on 1 April 2021

4 Basin-wise in-place hydrocarbon reserves as on 1 April 2021

5 Trend in domestic crude oil production

6 Crude import, product imports, and total imports

7 Crude import, product imports, and total imports

8 Country-wise crude oil imports by India

9 Trend in production of petroleum products from refineries and fractionators

10 Trend in petroleum products’ consumption in India

11 Status of petroleum products’ consumption during 2021/22

12 Trend in domestic natural gas production

13 Trend in natural gas production and import dependency

14 Trend in consumption of natural gas by different sectors

15 Crude throughput of Indian refineries

16 Trend in gross refinery margin of Indian refineries

17 Trend in subsidies for the sale of petroleum and natural gas in India

18 Share of tax/ duties to total contribution of petroleum sector to exchequer

19 Contribution of taxes from oil and gas industry to the central exchequer

20 Contribution of taxes from oil and gas industry to the state exchequer

21 Trend of excise duty on petrol and diesel vis-a-vis crude oil price in India

22 State-wise collection of States Tax/ VAT/ SGST/ UTGST from the oil and gas industry in 2021

23 Trends in the price of domestic gas produced in India on GCV basis

24 Details of CGD bidding round, geographical areas, percentage of India’s population and percentage of India’s area with access to CGD network

25 Status of state-/UT-wise PNG - domestic, commercial, and industrial connections Indian sedimentary basins



1 Installed generation capacity (as of March 2022)

2 Installed generation capacity by sector as of March 2022

3 Growth rate of installed generating capacity (2021/22)

4 CAGR of installed generating capacity (2012–22)

5 Total generation (including renewable energy sources)

6 Growth percentage of electricity generation

7 Growth rate of electricity generation (2021/22)

8 Electricity generation (2012–22)

9 Growth of gross electricity generation in India by mode (2012–22)

10 PLF of coal- and lignite-based power plants

11 Power supply position: energy

12 Growth rate of energy requirement and availability (2011–22)

13 Power supply position: peak

14 Growth rate of peak demand and met (2011–22)

15 Sector-wise electricity consumption pattern

16 Per capita electricity consumption

17 T&D losses

18 AT&C losses

19 Net import/total export of energy by India

20 Cross-border electricity trade on power exchange platform


Renewable Energy

1 Linkages of other SDGs to SDG 7

2 Grid power and their percentage share till May 2022

3 Growth of renewable energy sources

4 Top 10 states in renewable installation (till May 2022)

5 Installed solar capacity (2017–22)

6 Top 10 states grid-connected installed solar capacity (till 12 December 2020)

7 Solar tariff (till March 2020/21)

8 Net solar PV installed from 2018 to 2021

9 State-wise wind power potential at 100 m above ground level

10 Growth of wind energy sector from 2017 to 2022

11 State-wise installed capacity (as on December 2020)

12 Cumulative biomass power, gasification and bagasse cogeneration projects

13 State-/UT-wise cumulative commissioned biomass power, waste-to-power, and bagasse cogeneration grid-connected projects (up to 31 May 2022)

14 Cumulative waste-to-energy/power projects

15 Year-wise cumulative installed capacity of small hydropower

16 Tidal energy potential

17 Target for geothermal energy development



1 Production of different agricultural products in India

2 HSD and LDO consumption in the agriculture sector

3 Electricity consumption in the agriculture sector

4 Region-wise electricity consumption in the agriculture sector

5 Production of urea, diammonium phosphate, and other complex fertilizers

6 Consumption pattern of different sources of energy

7 Number of tractors sold

8 Number of power tillers sold

9 Number of diesel and electric pumps used in India

10 Percentage share of major farm machineries used in Indian agriculture

11 Farm power availability and food grain yield

12 Share of major crops in the gross cropped area in India

13 Trend in GHG emission from the agriculture sector in India (in GgCO2e)

14 Distribution of GHG emissions by sub-sectors from the agriculture sector from 2011 to 2016 in India

15 Selected state-/UT-wise area covered under micro-irrigation (drip and sprinkler) in

India as on 31 March 2021



1 Share of different processes in crude steel production



1 Change in CO2 emission by fossil fuels (2019–21)

2 Global CO2 emission from transport subsectors (2000–20)

3 Sector-wise change in energy demand in fuel (2000–19)

4 Energy use by passenger and freight modes in India (2000–20)

5 Highways constructed in India over the years

6 Number of registered vehicles from 2001 to 2020

7 Passenger traffic over time

8 Railway electrification routes over time

9 Freight traffic from 2018/19 to 2020/21

10 Total revenue from 2018/19 to 2020/21

11 Major commodities carried by the Indian Railways from 2016/17 to 2020/21

12 Cargo traffic handled at major ports

13 Commodity-wise traffic in major ports for 2021/22

14 National waterways’-wise share of traffic for 2020/21

15 National waterways’: commodity profile for 2020/21

16 Passenger traffic over the years

17 Cargo traffic over the years

18 Percentage of domestic cargo as belly cargo and dedicated freighter Comparison of number of EVs over the years


Household Energy

1 Source of lighting in Indian households: 2001–11

2 Residential consumers of LPG in India

3 Percentage of power consumer in residential sector to total power consumed by all sectors

4 Consumption of LPG and kerosene in the residential sector

5 Active consumers of LPG in the residential sector

6 Consumption of LPG in the residential sector

7 Consumption of electricity in the residential sector



1 Daily electricity demand in India in 2019

2 Daily electricity demand in India in the Stated Policies Scenario in 2040

3 Commercial energy consumption by use

4 Residential energy consumption by use

5 Sector-wise growth in cooling demand

6 HVAC load break up in percentage

7 Integrated building design approach

8 Key benefits of integrated design approach

9 Summer sun path and comfort strategy

10 Winter sun path and comfort strategy

11 Building geometry and S/V ratio

12 Rectangular forms and S/V ratios

13 Comparison of single-glazed and triple-glazed, medium-solar-gain low-e glass

14 Building orientation for enhanced ventilation

15 Funneling effect for enhanced natural ventilation

16 Do’s and don’ts for correct window placement

17 Do’s and don’ts for correct window placement (modified form

18 Positive and negative air pressure zones

19 Stack ventilation

20 Fixed horizontal shading devices

21 Adjustable shading devices

22 (a) Shading cloth and (b) pergolas combined with vegetation

23 Horizontal shading versus vertical shading

24 Daylight factor illuminance

25 Daylight area for massing studies for different shapes of floor plan having similar floor area considering lintel level at 7 feet

26 Daylight area window head height thumb rule (section)

27 Daylight evaluation thumb rule for rectangular or square

28 Atrium rule of thumb

29 Energy reduction with increase in design indoor temperature

30 SDGs related to green buildings and infrastructure

31 National Strategic Plan for Energy Efficiency in Building Sector

32 Highlights of ECBC implementation impact for 2020/21

33 Key objectives of SUNREF programme

34 Percentage growth of cooling requirement in India



1 Annual ambient concentration of different pollutants across the country during 2008–21

2 State-/UT-wise average ambient air quality status of different pollutant parameters for the period 2008–21

3 Comparison of number of households using different fuels for cooking in rural and urban areas in India

4 Sectorial contribution to ambient PM10 and PM2.5

5 State-/UT-wise number of non-attainment cities in India

Institutional framework of air quality governance in India


Solid Waste Management

1 MSW composition for waste received from Gurugram

2 Major e-waste contributing states in India

3 Emission points from MSW sector

· Management of plastics in India

· Average constituents of C&D waste

· C&D waste generated in major cities of India

· C&D waste management in India

· C&D waste recycling in a typical recycling facility


Water Resource Management

1 Per capita water availability in relation to population

2 (a) Categorization of groundwater assessment units in India from 2004 to 2020 and

(b) the number of groundwater assessment units

3 Depth to water level maps for (a) pre-monsoon, (b) post-monsoon, and (c) decadal water level fluctuation

4 Trend of the average water table in India from 1980 to 2015

5 Number of assessment units affected by fluoride

6 Number of assessment units affected by arsenic

7 Number of districts with electrical conductivity in groundwater above the permissible limit

8 Net irrigated area in India from 1950 to 2018

9 Households provided with tap water supply

10 (a) Schools and (b) AWCs provided with tap water supply

11 Sewage generation, installed treatment capacity, operational capacity, actual utilization, and complied treatment capacity

12 BOD trends of waterbodies in India (in mg/L)

13 Total coliform (in MPN/100 mL) trends of waterbodies in India

14 Feacal coliform (in MPN/100 mL) trends of waterbodies in India

15 Ramsar sites of India (till June 2022)

16 District-wise area coverage under PDMC from 2015 to 2020

17 High-, medium-, and low-performing states on water resource management

18 Vision and missions under Namami Gange


Land and Forest Resource Management

1 Percentage of area under various land uses

2 Land degradation map of India (generated using LISS-III data of 2015/16)

3 Forest cover of India

4 Projected demand for wood in India

5 Projected climate change in forest ecosystem in India

6 Top 10 developmental pressures on forest land in 2020

7 Forest carbon stock in different pools (in MT)

8 Biogeographic zones in India

9 Percentage of novelties in Plantae Kingdom published from India

10 Novelties published in Animalia Kingdom from India

11 Percentage of invasive species in different ecosystems

11 Contributions of different factors in biodiversity loss and habitat degradation

13 Arrival of tourists in India from 2015 to 2020

14 Cases registered under WPA in India from 2015 to 2020

15 Bending curve of biodiversity losses

16 Increase in number of PAs from 2000 to 2021


Climate Change

1 Annual total number of extreme climatic events in India

2 All-India annual mean temperature anomalies for 1901–2021 (based on the 1981–2010 average)

3 Spatial patterns of liner trends of (a) maximum and (b) minimum temperatures

4 Spatial pattern of trend (°C/100 years) in mean annual temperature anomalies (1901–2020) Keys Areas having significant at 95% levels are shaded; red denotes warming and blue denotes cooling.

5 Decadal means of all-India summer monsoon rainfall (in percentage departure from mean)

6 All-India annual mean percentage departures for 1901–2020 (based on the 1961–2010 average)

7 Sub-divisional trends of (a) seasonal and (b) monsoon rainfall for 1901–2003

8 Time series of active and break during the monsoon season

9 Cyclone tracks of depressions and cyclonic storms formed during 2021

10 Emission trends across four major CO2 emitters

11 CO2 emissions (in MTCO2) in India in comparison to GDP (PPP)

12 CO2 emissions within subsectors in India

13 Emissions by fuel type in India

14 Comparison of coal cess collected, amount transferred to, and financed from projects recommended under NCEEF


List of Maps

Petroleum and Natural Gas

1 Crude oil and product infrastructure in India

2 Natural gas infrastructure in India


Renewable Energy

1 Solar potential of Indian states/union territories

2 State-wise wind energy potential at 100/120 m above ground level

3 Biomass power (BP), bagasse cogeneration (BC), and waste-to-energy (W2E)

4 Small hydro potential in India

5 Geothermal potential in India



State-wise distribution of districts based on vulnerability to climate change in India



Climate zone map of India