Grabado/Poéticas y desplazamientos
註釋The book by art professor Francisco Sanfuentes (Santiago, 1964) contains the inquiries of the poetics that underlie the different procedures associated with the techniques of engraving: etchings, serigraphs, impressions in other techniques and installations. All this from more traditional perspectives, the relationship with the craft and the intimate relationship with the bodies of matter and the artistic discipline of engraving. The book and the 2022 exhibition in MAC Quinta Normal were the outcome of the research project "Grabado: Desplazamientos y Poéticas" developed in the Faculty of Art of the University of Chile. "For the process of writing this book, conversations-interviews were carried out with artists who, in different ways and at different times, have been linked to engraving: Francisco Brugnoli, Virginia Errázuriz, Eduardo Vilches, Guillermo Frommer, Jorge Pulido "Campana", Nelson Plaza and Carlos Gómez among others. In addition, it will always be present the daily dialogue with generations of students with whom we have shared workshop times." (HKB Translation) --Page 13.