Vulcan or the Future of Labour
Cecil Chisholm
Originally published in 1927
"Vulcan is a little book but between its covers knowledge and vision are brimming over." Spectator
"Of absorbing interest." Daily Herald
The author argues that the creative genius of the human race which at the beginning of the twentieth century was centred on production machinery will eventually release factory workers from poverty.
Problems of Transportation
J F C Fuller
Originally published in 1925
"The foremost military prophet of the day propounds a solution for industrial and unemployment problems. A bold essay..." Daily Telegraph
"Practical, timely and very important." Spectator
This volume provides a brief review of the history of the railway and discusses the uses and benefits of roadless vehicles, such as tanks, not only for their transport capacities but also as a means for solving unemployment.
Aeolus or the Future of the Flying Machine
Oliver Stewart
Originally published in 1927
"There is nothing vague in these imaginative forecasts." Daily News
"The author is to be congratulated..." Aeroplane
This volume describes the air-vehicle and air-battleship of the future and predicts that it will resist mass production, being regarded as individual creations of the Artist-Scientist rather than commercial tools.