Validation of Measures Designed to Maximize 21st-century Army NCO Performance
註釋"The NCO21 research program was undertaken to help the U.S. Army plan for the impact of future demands on the noncommissioned officer (NCO) corps. The performance requirements and associated knowledges, skills, and aptitudes (KSAs) expected of future successful NCOs were used as a basis for developing tools that could be incorporated into an NCO performance management system geared to 21st-century job demands. This report documents the concurrent criterion-related validation of the predictor measures. The predictor measures include the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), Assessment of Individual Motivation (AIM), and Biographical Information Questionnaire (BIQ), which are already used in the Army for other purposes. A written Situational Judgment Test (SJT), the Experience and Activities Record (ExAct), Personnel File Form (PFF21), and a semi-structured interview were developed for this project. Two types of rating scale instruments were developed for gathering criterion data. The Observed Performance Rating Scales ask supervisors to rate how well Soldiers perform in their current jobs and the Expected Future Performance Rating Scales have them predict how their Soldiers would perform in future conditions. All of the predictors yielded one or more scores that were significantly correlated with the performance ratings. The SJT, interview, and some scores from the AIM and BIQ showed the most incremental validity over the current system. In this concurrent validation, the predictors were more highly correlated with performance at the ES level compared to the E6 level."--DTIC.