Title: Quantum Hearts: Surviving the Unknown
Alan was invisible—a quiet, introverted boy whose days were spent blending into the background. Nora was radiant—the most beautiful and popular girl at school, surrounded by friends but quietly longing for something more. They had nothing in common… until the universe had other plans.
When an otherworldly event rips them from Earth and drops them on an alien planet, Alan and Nora must learn to survive in a world unlike anything they’ve ever known. As they face deadly creatures, solve alien puzzles, and navigate landscapes both beautiful and terrifying, their unlikely partnership blossoms into something deeper.
But survival comes with its own challenges, and so does the heart. Torn between their growing bond and the hope of returning home, Alan and Nora must make a choice: will they leave the alien world behind and risk losing what they’ve found together, or stay in the place that brought them closer than ever?
Filled with adventure, heartfelt emotion, and a love that transcends worlds, Love Beyond Worlds is a thrilling sci-fi romance about courage, self-discovery, and the strength to face life’s greatest challenges—together.