Paul Howard Williams Young British Artist 1970's London&Paris
註釋Paul Howard Williams Young British Artist 1970's London&Paris Paul Howard Williams (1954-81) Paul William's Artwork abstract expressionist surreal realist post-Pop post-Punk post-C20th this 21st century, and abstract expresssion is coming back into artist vogue like from Pop Brittannia again, to PunkGB. Paul studied at Walthamstow Art School, and at the Student Union Bar where Kilburn and the High Roads (Ian Dury) played, and in the TV and cinemas, Ken Russell was king. Vanilla Beer, Sally Tuffin, and Marion Foale, are still working in design and fashion and art. At Kings Road, Chelsea College of Arts and Design, then Newham Community Murals up to 1981, when Paul succumbed to leukemia. In celebration of Paul Howard William's art and life, the artist's school friend Malcolm Stow has curated an exhibition of his work, featuring expressionist painting, collage abstract conceptual constructivist pieces. All Paul's works appear fragmentary, incomplete. These student and later experimental pieces with colour (wash painted fence boards; Spectrum) become endlessly varying, sometimes angry, at times melancholic, with sublime (English, Cornwall) sea, sky and landscapes. Windows onto and into the Real and the Transcendental Cosmic, with later pieces in complex abstract and figuratively built collage. Existential and Cataclysmic with public (Paris) political messages hidden yet intentionally visible (Humanit'e changer, Politique L'evolution, Jeux enquiete, Depend de Vous, Equillibre, l'occasion). With personal meanings and images to be literally drawn on, scrawled, ripped and scribbled. Geometric shapes, sun and moon aurora and cloud shaping, animal and human figures, faces and skull; cellular eclipsing elliptical sensual emotionality for sharing, in this exhibition, of Paul Williams' Art and Life 1954-81, all here@the lot Malcolm Stow 2019