Методологические Вопросы Оценки Инвестиционных Рисков в Проекты Ослабляющие Зависимость Российской Экономики От Природных Ресурсов и Обеспечивающих Переход На Низкоуглеродное Развитие (Methodological Issues of Assessing Investment Risks in Projects Weakening the Dependence of the Russian Economy on Natural Resources and Providing a Transition to Low-Carbon Development).
註釋English Abstract: The work analyzes the role of rental incomes in the Russian economy demonstrates the cointegration of GDP growth and oil prices in the previous 15 years. On the example of a comparative assessment of low-carbon and carbon-intensive technologies, the methodology for evaluating investment projects based on the application of the real options method is illustrated.